Saturday, February 19, 2011

Fat Quarters and Friends

I spent some time yesterday helping a friend deal with a truckload of fat quarters that were consuming her closet space. In a couple of hours we had emptied all the storage bins and drawers, sorted by color or theme, re-labled the bins and drawers, then put everything away neatly. With a couple of friends to help, it didn't take too long, and everything was sorted and put away in record time!
There is nothing like putting a little order into your life, showing your own personal chaos that you can control it and put it all in some kind of order. So you can get on with your life and not have the weight of all that chaos dragging you down. Most of the quilters I know trash their sewing areas when working on a project. If you are working to finish a couple of things, say for gifts, you tend to let things pile up in heaps. But taking the time to tidy up and put things away makes for a much more enjoyable sewing space for your next projects! I need to heed my own advice right about now!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hello sunshine!

It seems wonderful to see the sunshine today! The warming trend is melting the snow piles down, the air seems to hint of spring today. Last week I took a queen-size quilt top to the long-arm quilter. The quilt top used fabrics from April Cornell's "Sunshine" line. Maybe today it is being quilted...can't wait to see it finished! I used a pattern by Miss Rosie called "Lucille", but I had to modify it a little to  make it big enough for a queen bed. I will have to post a picture when it comes home to me from the quilter. It looks so much like a spring day, I can't wait to have it on the bed to brighten up the room!